Kite Surfing

Kai reclined on her beach towel, careful not to dislodge the sand beneath her as she did so. Leaning back, she took a beat to just enjoy the moment. The way the sun warmed her skin, the softness of the towel beneath her, the slightly course feel of the sand as she wiggled her toes … Continue reading Kite Surfing

When To Move Out

Heya, So earlier in the month I wrote about knowing when to move in with someone and I figured I should tackle the other side of the coin - moving out. Don't worry this isn't some public announcement for M, we're still happily living together but rather a look at how you do know when … Continue reading When To Move Out

When To Move In

Heya, So this post is all about knowing when you should move in with someone, and that doesn't necessarily mean a romantic partner, but friends or family too. Living together can put additional strain on any relationship including friendship and a familial one as well. I for one know moving back home after living independently … Continue reading When To Move In

Twenty-Five Years Old (and Terrified of It)

Hey all, So I turned twenty-five earlier this week. A quarter of a century! When I was a kid someone I thought that any one who had been to uni, and then had a 'real' job was an adult. I thought people in their twenties had their shit together, they were in serious relationships (if they … Continue reading Twenty-Five Years Old (and Terrified of It)